Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Way!

I love snow. I have always loved snow.

I will probably continue to love snow.

Right now?

Snow is pushing it's luck on my infatuation.

The first Blizzard of this week dumped 30 inches.

The second Blizzard, a whole 2 days later, is still dumping as I type.
21 inches so far.

Boredom abounds in spite of my best efforts.

The bird feeders are full.

Slash is enjoy the camouflage of the snow to stalk the birds.

And Roxy is as happy as a clam.

And so is Steve. Since he is in CALIFORNIA.


Amy said...

It was some kind of storm!
Stay Warm! When do you get to go to California for some sunshine? Your husband couldn't have timed this trip better even if he had tried!

Anonymous said...

OMG- That's a *lot of snow!

Angie said...

Holy crap, Erin! Snow way indeed! Brrrrrrr!

Jeanette said...

I hate snow! LOL. We got about 8-10 inches here, and that was more than enough for me. Glad you like it though... and love the craft supplies!

Shana said...

That is so much snow! Great pics! We got 2-4 inches here today, ha! Alabama comes to a stand still when it snows.


I just can't believe the odd weather. Something is not right. We have almost no snow. The kids want more for sledding etc. I'm fine with brown grass!

Unknown said...

Great post!
I just heard the snow-backhoe out front...afraid to look. Xo

Anonymous said...
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Josh and Rya said...

I love snow! Looks like a lot of fun. Great pic of the cat, too.