Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hop on the Crazy Train

Before Christmas Janey's pre-school class took a field trip to a local train garden. This is the first year the fire hall has offered it, and it was a pleasant surprise. It sure beats driving 35 minutes to the packed-like-sardines train garden we usually visit. It was so nice that I took both girls back to visit. Julian loved it also. They had a scavenger hunt set up for the kids, and that REALLY made you pay attention to the details. Some of which were very, very STRANGE!!
Like the alien abduction of this poor cow...

The peeing fire dog....

Cooking up some witches brew deep in the forrest.....

Removing the car crash victim. Complete with broken glass...

The mean Harley Truck guy who ran the Harley motorcycle guy right the heck off the road...

This could end badly......
I know it IS a fire house, but this is kind of scary.....Although the working water is cool.

Just when you think you can do your business in privacy......(look in the outhouse!)

Another fire on the other side of town. WITH smoke inhalation victims.......

Don't forget your haz-mat suit, boys and girls.....

These kids will NEVER go to a drive in movie, as this was the fate of a movie goer in the train garden...... (Look closely in Godzilla's mouth.....Yummy)

This one, however, is my favorite by far. Nothing will make you remember your beautiful wedding day more than the back hoe and the shirtless worker digging a GRAVE right beside you. I now pronounce you man and wife. Ashes to ashes...dust to dust.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait to show this to my brother...holy guacamole, he is gonna love it. I love it.
Happy New Year, Erin!!