Friday, April 30, 2010


They bicker like old women.

Best friends one minute,

Mortal enemies the next.

The other day Janey 'fired' Julian as a sister.

At the end of the day they are still 'Best-ies'


Anonymous said...

It's the same with my little sis'. One minute we get along great and the next one, I'm ready to rip her head off (and vice versa) ;-D

The pictures are sweet :)

Lindsay said...

Those pics made me teary :) I wish Chloe could have a sister. But, 5 kids is too many kids!

Robin in Montana said...

I love that. :) My girls are like that. They fight all day, and then K will ask if she can sleep with C and I hear them talking quietly for a long time after they go to bed. I did not have a sister, and I'm happy that they are so close. :-)

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Deb said...

I never did find those dresses at Target dammit!

My girls are the exact same way, then 2 minutes later they are back to playing Barbies. Whatever!

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Josh and Rya said...

What a special set of pictures!