Sunday, April 17, 2011

Greetings from my new digs

Almost two weeks since I had my knee replaced. I thought to post sooner, but thinking about something and actually doing it are two different things these days!
I spend my days in my hospital cave, and have pretty much taken over the tv room. I have the tv (duh. It *is the tv room), laptop, a cooler for my ice packs and drinks, clothes, toiletries, and best of all, my new Nook. A birthday gift from Steve and the kids.
I also have the "help" of Wilbur and Stella. The like to take cat naps in my makeshift bed. Wilbur loves to lay on the ice packs, Kooky Kitty that he is. They think that all of the visitors are here to see them!
20 staples, a ton of swelling and bruising, and a shit ton of pain. Yet even with all of that my new knee feels more stable already. Stronger.
I have been taking it easy. Doing my exercises, being a good physical therapy patient. Napping and taking my medicine as prescribed.
There are some rewards to being couch bound and in pain. I am now sporting a pretty fancy pedicure!


Lisa said...

Ooooh, look at have a real-life domain and cool staples! Actually, that incision looks less freaky than I expected, not to mention I love that you have the guts to show it. I love an ick factor. Then, far more seriously, I'm *awfully glad you can feel a difference, that it feels better. :-)

Can I have Wilbur? Please?

Lisa said...

PS: She totally rocks that eyeshadow. :-)

Karen said...

Love the blog... Almost gagged at the knee...I'm definately not a fan of the ick factor! and it makes me appreciate even more how much pain you must be in!

But you have a cute nail tech! and the cats to cat nap with... I'm glad your family is taking care of you!!!

Trudy said...

Hope your up and about soon. Until then milk it for all it's worth girl.

Amy said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery and for your pain to lessen with each passing day. Glad to hear that you are being a good patient. Hopefully you'll be back on your feet soon.